Develops requirements for an open service optimization proxy and supports encryption and privacy in the web ecosystem.
Develops requirements for an open service optimization proxy and supports encryption and privacy in the web ecosystem.
Promoted open technologies to create contextual experiences connecting employees, systems and information.
Developed and promoted the OpenWEIGHTLESS network technology standard in M2M communications
Promotes the development and deployment of interoperable products and services for data switching and routing using optical networking technologies.
Develops system-architecture neutral PCI microcomputer standards.
Develops and promotes a narrowband power line standard for Smart Grid products and services.
Promotes P25 standards and related technologies.
Promotes two-way satellite-based location, tracking and messaging technologies.
Develops and promotes operational and supply chain quality and performance.
Develops and promotes the RapidIO Interconnect Architecture for high-performance packet-switched, interconnect technology.