Develops and promotes software standard that facilitates interoperability of business and automation applications used in electric utilities.
Develops and promotes software standard that facilitates interoperability of business and automation applications used in electric utilities.
Promotes the MULTOS specification in the smartcard industry.
Develops security strategies for US information infrastructure (U.S.).
Developed standards for multi-vendor government contract fulfillment and other purposes *Inactive (U.S.)
Develops and promotes testing methodologies for network security products
Developed, promoted, and certified network intrusion prevention technology.
Developed network processing standards for next-generation networking and telecommunications products *Merged with the Optical Internetworking Forum
Maintains a scalable host controller interface to provide access to storage devices.
Promotes the OAuth Protocol specifications to publish and interact with protected data.
Develops enterprise integration standards (including modeling standards such as UML and MDA) for a range of technologies and industries.