Develops the Immersive Technology Media Format (ITMF), a suite of royalty-free technical specifications
Develops the Immersive Technology Media Format (ITMF), a suite of royalty-free technical specifications
Promoted and developed technology elements for AR-enabled smart-glass applications
Develops, provides, facilitates, and promotes the integration and evolution of direct-to-device (D2D) and IoT connectivity through global mobile satellite coverage
Promotes and develops in-vehicle network infrastructure for autonomous vehicles.
Promotes network functions virtualization.
Developed an industry specification defining a form factor, power distribution, and network connectivity for servers, storage and other elements; rebranded as the Sustainable & Scalable Infrastructure Alliance (SSIA) in August 2023.
Develops and promotes an enterprise architecture standard for mining and other extractive industries.
Promotes the development of open software standards to innovate processes and practices, and accelerate Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE) adoption.
Develops and promotes a standard for the development of a reference architecture for healthcare companies.
Promotes the development of a standard data platform for the oil and gas industry.