Develops a Sensor Open Systems Architecture (SOSA) standard to accelerate the development of affordable, agile, composable sensor systems.
Develops a Sensor Open Systems Architecture (SOSA) standard to accelerate the development of affordable, agile, composable sensor systems.
Develops and promotes open technology standards to support the technological development of Smart Cities.
Develops and promotes the O-PAS Standard, a standards-based, open, secure, and interoperable process control architecture.
Develops a standard real-time operating system ( RTOS ) kernel that can be tailored to any embedded system in industries ranging from consumer products to industrial products.
Promoted education, research and certification of Secure and Interoperable Identity in the Cloud *Now the Enterprise Architecture Working Group
Developed a common base Linux distribution for enterprise use *Dissolved in 2004
Promotes easily implemented home and business networks *Merged with Open Interconnect Consortium
Promotes the use of spatial information and information technologies for the understanding and management of urban and regional systems.
Develops and provides open standards and certification for “Ultra Short Reach” (USR) links within Multi-Chip Modules (MCMs)
Develops and promotes real-time, modular embedded computing systems.